Soulful Alchemy


Conscious Psychologist, Life Coach/ Mentor, Energy/ Sound Healer and Alchemist…blend each of those together, and meet Daniella, the Conscious Psychologist, creating an evolution in the mental health and wellness industry, as she takes working with her clients to the next level, through consciousness, energetics and now sound healing.

What are Essential Oils?

 So many of the products we use in our day-to-day lives are filled with synthetic chemicals. These unnatural products can weigh us down and even negatively influence the way we think, feel, and live.

Pure essential oils offer an alternative to synthetic products and can be used to help you in your daily life.

Essential oils are more than just natural products. Each with a unique chemical makeup, essential oils have dozens of benefits. Essential oil benefits are determined by the chemistry of the plants. 

Essential oils have been used by ancient civilizations across the globe for:

  • Aromatherapy
  • Personal care
  • Healthcare practices
  • Religious ceremonies
  • Beauty treatments
  • Food preparation

Daniella brings them into her work to assist in the support of mental health and wellbeing. She both sells them, and created individualised blends for her clients.

Some essential oils are soothing, toning, and grounding, while others are energizing, warming, and renewing.

All essential oils are natural, and the variety of essential oils allows you to naturally and effectively address your specific concerns. 



What is sound healing?


Healing with sound dates back as far as ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt. Even in biblical times, there were reports of musical instruments being used for healing. Most Native Cultures use sound and dance for many treatments and healings.

Sound Healing is an effective and proven modality that uses vibrational sound to help reduce stress, and create a deep sense of peace, well-being and better health. Instances of sound healing therapy are limitless, yet it remains misunderstood, with stereotyped, preconceived ideas as those seeking sound healing therapy are crackpots who seek magical solutions to medical problems. However, music therapy, or sound healing, has a basis in both neurology and psychology. While it is still considered an alternative to modern medicine, scores of evidence suggest that it is effective- to both our emotional and psychological health. Sound healing is the process in which a practitioner uses music or sound to improve the health of their patient.

Did you know that almost everything we experience in the universe is simply our perception of waves or vibration?

In nature, vibrations travel via water and air. This is significant when you consider the human body is approximately 70 percent water. “Since the human body is over seventy percent water and since sound travels five times more efficiently through water than through air, sound frequency stimulation directly into the body is a highly efficient means for total body stimulation, especially at the cellular level. Direct stimulation of living cellular tissue using sound frequency vibration has shown marked cellular metabolism and therefore a possible mobilisation of a cellular healing response”. Jeffrey Thompson, Director of the Centre for Neuro-acoustic Research, California Institute for Human Science.Speakers/Performers

“Every part of our body displays synchronistic frequencies, if part of our body is out of sync with the rest that part may become, or already be, dis-eased. Sound has the capacity to synchronise our body frequency. Correcting and rebalancing our body frequencies empowers wellness.” (Living Well WA Website). This means that correct sound frequencies can enhance the resonant frequency of our body, restoring balance, health and harmony to our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual selves.

“When sound waves reach our ears, they are converted into electrical signals that travel up the auditory nerve into the auditory cortex, the part of the brain that processes sound. Once sound waves reach our brains, they trigger responses in our bodies. This process alters our emotions, releases hormones and chemicals that affect both our bodies and our moods, and triggers certain impulses (for example, singing and dancing).” (Mind Valley website)

Healing with sound can improve or cure many ailments including, but not limited to:

  • Psychological/Psychiatric and behavioral disorders including autism, depression, learning disabilities, and developmental troubles
  • Anxiety disorder
  • Stress
  • PTSD
  • Pain
  • Mood swings, or negative emotions, such as sadness, aggravation, anger, self-pity, and heartbreak.

It can also bring about:

  • Clarity and balance
  • Relaxation
  • Improved memory and concentration
  • Improved sleep (both in quality and quantity)
  • A stronger immune system
  • Improved creativity
  • Heightened awareness, both of the self and the environment” (Mindvalley Website)

With all this exciting knowledge, I have chosen to add essential oils and sound healing into my treatments, either as a stand-alone treatment session/option, or in conjunction with my mentoring sessions.

Singing Bowl Therapy is one aspect I am using. Dating back as far as the 12th century, the sound produced by these bowls is used in sound healing therapy, as they are believed to calm and repair the mind as well as reduce stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure, improve breathing and circulation, alleviate aches and pains, strengthen the immune system, and improve the mood of the patient.

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